“Share Your High School Experience”

A group of 35 Kent County high schoolers collaborated together to create, “Beyond (‘Be On’) Your Mental” (BYM)—a mentoring program for students, led by students.

Are you a KCHS Student?


(Share your wisdom, insights, and experiences as a BYM Mentor // Comparta su sabiduría, conocimientos y experiencias como Mentor de BYM)

Click the “Apply To Be A Mentor” button // Haga clic en el botón "Solicitar ser mentor"

Are you an 8th grader at KCMS?

Click the “Apply To Be A Mentee” button // Haga clic en el botón "Solicitar ser aprendiz"

What if YOU could make the high school experience better for an incoming freshman?

¿Qué pasaría si TÚ pudieras mejorar la experiencia de la escuela secundaria para un estudiante entrante de primer año?

What do incoming freshman need to know to be successful in high school?

¿Qué necesita saber el estudiante entrante de primer año para tener éxito en la escuela secundaria?


Jasmine Robinson

Jasmine will be on-site at KCHS (Monday to Friday) coordinating week-to-week activities

Upcoming BYM Program Dates

  • First Semester BYM Mentor Training Sessions

    • Weekly lunch check-ins for Mentors with KCHS BYM Program Coordinator

  • Wednesday, DECEMBER 11th at 6pm: 30-Minute Virtual Parent Meeting

    • Link will be posted here and shared via email


      • Meeting ID: 892 6799 1519
        Passcode: 084759

  • Anticipated Second Semester BYM Mentor x Mentee Sessions

    • February 4

    • February 11

    • February 18

    • February 25

    • March 4

    • March 11

    • March 18

    • March 25

Last Updated: Tuesday, December 10th, 2024


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A group of 35 Kent County high schoolers collaborated together to create, “Beyond Your Mental”—a double entendre meant to express the importance of maintaining a focus on your mental health (“Be on”, by being aware and able to acknowledge your emotions); as well as the fact that your current mindset (“mental”) doesn’t have to define you! You can go “beyond” your current mentality and create a new and better reality if you are willing to get past a wrong mindset.


"Be On Your Mental" (BYM) is a student-designed, cross age mentoring program—funded by the Kent County Local Management Board—targeting KCMS 8th graders and KCHS 9th graders (the mentees) and facilitated by KCHS 11th-12th graders (the mentors).

BYM seeks to help current freshman and rising freshmen (8th graders) have an easier transition from middle school to high school.


"Beyond Your Mental” is the final community project that blossomed out of Findlay House Global's 15-session, learn-by-doing youth leadership academy: Y.O.U.R. Kent County. The academy was funded by the Kent County Local Management Board. After a period focused on exploring how our understanding of power, generational stories, and ACEs (Adverse Childhood Experiences) intersect, Y.O.U.R. Kent County Student Leaders designed a community project that addresses the “mentality” that currently drives and influences behavior among Kent County youth. In January 2024, after another competitive bidding process, Findlay House Global was selected to implement the BYM program for the 2023 - 2024 AND 2024 - 2025 school years.


In the second half of school year 2023 - 2024 BYM will move from a student-designed process (which started in SY 2022 - 2023) to a student-led program, as the mentoring program begins a soft launch. 20 KCHS students will be selected to become BYM mentors. Mentors will inform the creation of mentoring session topics and activities; and have a chance to attend the BYM field trip. Later, BYM mentors will begin meeting with a group of approximately 10 freshman and rising freshmen.

KCHS students in 11th - 12th grade are eligible to become a BYM mentor, and will need to complete an application (Estimated time 10 min.) and upload their response (video or word doc) on why they want to be a BYM mentor